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CNC Chemical

Hydro choric acid

Caustic soda commercial grade (flakes)

Caustic soda flakes (technical sodium hydroxide flakes) – flake mass of white color, very hygroscopic, very soluble in water and alcohol. The formula is NaOH.

Hydrochloric acid has many uses. It is used in the production of chlorides, fertilizers, and dyes, in electroplating, and in the photographic, textile, and rubber industries. Hydrochloric acid is corrosive to the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes.

Poly aluminium chloride

Ro antiscalant chemical

Poly aluminium chloride PAC is used for several applications including the treatment of drinking water, swimming pool water, wastewater treatment, the treatment of sewage and industrial effluents. It is also used extensively in the pulp and paper processing industry.

RO Antiscalants are dosed directly to the RO feed water tank or feed water line (after pretreatment) at the recommended dosage of 1-3 mg/L and maximum dosage at 8mg/L, subject to inlet water quality and parameters is respect of Calcium Hardness, Iron, TDS, Alkalinity, pH and silica content.

Ferric chloride

Ph correction chemical

The primary use of ferric chloride is to remove impurities in water and for wastewater treatment. Combined with use in industrial water applications and in the pretreatment of seawater prior to desalination, total water treatment accounts for approximately 79-84% of total demand globally.

Many treatment processes are pH dependant from coagulation, disinfection and corrosion control. The pH refers to the amount of Hydrogen ions (H+), and the balance of H+ and OH- ions determines the pH of the water.


Polyelectrolytes are polymers with dissociating groups in their repeat units. They can be divided into polycations and polyanions and polysalts. They can be used to destabilize a colloidal suspension and to initiate flocculation and precipitation.

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